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The termites have consistently showed up in the first floor hardwood flooring for the last few years, after and since the present owner purchased this property. With a history of swarming termites and unsuccessful treatments, this house is to be treated with the termiticide, Termidor, a product by Aventis. |
(Specimen label and MSDS information is listed below, in Links Section.) |
Just about every piece of equipment that was used on this job, shows up somewhere in this one photograph below. |
Because of the deep foundations and unusual construction, we elected to use the termiticide, Termidor,
by Aventis. We actually held off doing this job, because we wanted to use Termidor, but it was not available
(in our area) until September, 2000. Within a month of its release, we scheduled treatment, consisting
of liquid applications of Termidor, followed up by foam applications using the same chemical. It all
sounds easy, and in some ways it was. But there were a few problems..... |
DRILL and DRILL and DRILL and DRILL and DRILL and.... We knew, up front, about the deep foundations. We came prepared, we had (and used) a standard 36 inch bit, and we also brought another bit we had made up for this job, a 42 incher. Both were 5/8ths and were also carbide tipped. We only needed to use the 42 incher on one hole, which finally broke through at 38 inches, good thing we brought it. Uh, oh.... Another complication we didn't count on, was the discovery that, at sometime in the past, additional concrete pours were made directly on top of the other slabs. We did know that, actually. What we DIDN'T know, was that several layers of tar or roofing paper had been laid on the top of the previous floor before pouring the newer slab. This can allow termites to spread out, (even if they don't eat the paper) between the slabs, making termite control much more difficult. TREATMENT SPECIFICATIONS This was a spot-treatment. Since this structure had been treated in the past, and since this structure is within a short distance of the ocean, we proposed a spot treatment only. In our opinion, this property did not require a barrier treatment at this time. If you're an exterminator, (or even if you're not) you can check out my comments and reasons for a spot treatment on this job. |
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Now, just around the corner from our first set of three holes, we started another short sequence of holes. |
These were the "world's worst." The deepest holes we drilled. We actually used two bits on these holes. |
Liquid Application |
For our liquid applications, we used a standard rod, with a four port, side-facing, pointed tip. We injected our Termidor mixture at various depths, up to the four-foot length of the rod. We then changed our tool to a standard slab injector and attempted to inject more termiticide under pressure. |
The amount of diluent we used for treatment cannot be determined with any certainty - our equipment will not (reliably) measure small amounts, less than a few gallons. We think it took a maximum of ten gallons (over a couple of hours) but perhaps only a couple of gallons. For our liquid application, we used the Termidor at the maximum (.125) strength listed on the label. We also expected these injection problems, one of our reasons for using the maximum application rate. |
The slab injector (none of this is high-tech) has a conical rubber tip that seals the hole as termiticide is forced in under pressure. "Under pressure" actually means "low pressure," since New Jersey requires this. |
Foam Application |
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Once it was hooked up right, our cranky foam machine worked pretty good. That was a nice surprise.
We felt the foaming part of this procedure seemed "more successful," - we could see the foam, moving
through the delivery hose, so we knew it was going in, although we figure it took less than we wanted
- maybe only a few cubic feet. Here again, we couldn't really determine an exact amount. In both cases,
it was very little, but we knew (or suspected) this might happen. For our foam application, we also used Termidor with a standard foaming agent. Termidor foams pretty good all by itself, but since this was our first job using Termidor in a foam application, we were kind of picky. |
Several cycles of treatment and re-treatment were made..... |
Wanna try our Termite Job Estimator? Even though it's mostly designed for our own local service area, anyone can try it. |
Website of Aventis, the sole manufacturer of Termidor. On this page you can also input your zip code and find a Termidor Partner. |
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